Business Directory

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Water Depot LLC

The first ever Water Depot store is located right in the heart of Baldwin Park! We want to make you feel welcome at our store! Good service is our priority, we do not want to be just another water store, we want to be YOUR water store! We provide a complimentary washing of your water container, the best Alkaline prices, and basic copy and print services. Hablamos Espanol!
Allan Torres - Owner
14519 Ramona Blvd Baldwin Park CA 91706
Text WATERD to 866-866-5545

View Information 626-598-4155 Website

Weg Electric

Weg Industrial Electric, Inc. is an industrial electrical contracting firm that specializes in design/build installations and service of power distribution and controls systems in manufacturing facilities throughout Southern California. Founded in 1958 we have earned a reputation for consistently completing projects on-time and on-budget. Please contact us to discuss your requirements and our capabilities. Design-build installations Motor Controls Programable Logic Controls Expert Troubleshooting For questions call Eddie626-359-6101
Arthur Harwich
1406 Arrow Hwy Irwindale CA 91706
Text WEG to 866-866-5545

View Information 626-359-6101 Website

Winn Universal Inc.

Winn Universal Inc. is based in the City of Irwindale, California as the leading fruit, seafood, meat, and poultry supplier and distributor. We source the best quality and natural food products around the world for private label retail in the American, European, and Asian markets. We provide top-quality products at the most competitive prices, as we place our customers and suppliers as the number one priority for our standards of excellence. Every product we source and supply goes through comprehensive quality control that has been certified by the HACPP, Global G.A.P., and BRC Certification Body. We take pride in our responsible approach to promoting the most sustainable practices to keep the environment safe from harmful practices.
Nancy Xu
14808 Los Angeles Street Irwindale CA 91706
Text WUINC to 866-866-5545

View Information 626-581-9900 Website

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