Advertising Reports


Display Case Search Engine Exposures Period Display Clicks All Votes Industry Average $2.41 ROI
Ashley Pump & Irrigation 1,550 622 108 $1,499.02
BBSI Inc. 1,558 603 83 $1,453.23
Belozer's Whitewater Fishing 608 301 57 $725.41
Canyon Rim Assisted Living 448 212 38 $510.92
Carbon Farms 742 301 60 $725.41
City of Antelope 796 310 66 $747.10
City of Maupin 1,459 488 76 $1,176.08
Coburn Electric 1,307 536 87 $1,291.76
Columbia River Affordable Portables 291 186 37 $448.26
Columbia River Prop. 1,350 532 81 $1,282.12
Corcoran Prime Real Estate 1,303 535 76 $1,289.35
Deschutes Angler Fly Shop 1,394 492 67 $1,185.72
Deschutes Rim Health Clinic 1,489 545 82 $1,313.45
Deschutes River Alliance 1,307 502 75 $1,209.82
Deschutes U-Boat 1,113 420 97 $1,012.20
Gorge Networks 1,318 455 77 $1,096.55
Honey Buns Coffeehouse & Bakery 581 267 44 $643.47
Imperial River Company 1,272 428 84 $1,031.48
LS Networks 375 212 50 $510.92
Maupin Coffee Company 1,456 506 78 $1,219.46
Maupin Community Church 1,672 573 62 $1,380.93
Maupin Country Store & Hardware 1,324 476 72 $1,147.16
Maupin Works 1,065 349 69 $841.09
MD Hunt Construction 1,383 551 98 $1,327.91
O'Connor Counseling Services and Alternatives, LLC 543 258 66 $621.78
Paul F. Sumner PC 717 276 56 $665.16
Pronace LLC 1,291 508 90 $1,224.28
RE:Vive Construction 415 237 56 $571.17
Richmond's Service 1,230 466 82 $1,123.06
River Drifters 1,139 449 71 $1,082.09
Rivermark Community Credit Union 1,312 562 112 $1,354.42
Sage Canyon River Company 1,091 428 73 $1,031.48
Shaniko Wool Company 1,412 523 74 $1,260.43
Southern Wasco County Ambulance Service 1,107 427 85 $1,029.07
South Wasco Alliance 1,122 444 70 $1,070.04
Stock Doctor 1,358 523 87 $1,260.43
Tenneson Engineering Corporation 1,187 455 75 $1,096.55
The Base Strength and Conditioning 242 115 20 $277.15
The Riverside 181 100 23 $241.00
Travel Oregon 369 220 47 $530.20
Wamic Rural Fire Protection District 359 224 41 $539.84
Wasco County Fairgrounds 334 205 44 $494.05
Wasco Electric Cooperative 1,349 556 87 $1,339.96
Wasco Realty 1,461 638 92 $1,537.58
Wasco Title Inc. 1,325 503 97 $1,212.23
Wheatland Insurance Center, Inc. 1,248 512 75 $1,233.92
TOTAL (46) 47,953 19,031 3,247 $45,864.71
AMCPB: 413.717 TOTAL: 19,031


  • Display Case - Name of business
  • Period Display Views - Member's total display views or exposures from their online display case
  • Period Display Clicks - This is an actual action by a human (not just an exposure) to learn more
  • All Votes - When a person visits an individual display they have the option (when feature turned on) to click that they like this display or service.
  • Conservative $0.25 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at a VERY conservative $0.25 vs buying an ad at $1.00 to $2.00 industry average. We find that these reports often offset the full cost of community membership within the first 12 months from the member's launch date.
  • Industry Average $2.41 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at an industry average of $2.41. (Wordstream 2024)

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