
Mediation Services

Mediation is a process for resolving disputes that allow people to be heard, find common ground, and create a solution that works.

Mediated discussions are intended to give all participants a chance to communicate their needs, concerns, and goals. Mediation gets to the source of the conflict and brings together those who are most able to craft workable solutions.

Six Rivers’ mediation framework focuses on interest-based negotiation. Our mediators help clients identify, communicate and understand all parties’ needs and goals. Our process aims to build solutions that address the real issues fueling the conflict.

Mediators guide the conversation and provide tools to help problem-solve. They do not make decisions or create solutions for you. This is your process; make it worth your time.

Mediation Services:

  • Family
  • Parent/teen, family decision-making, household rule creation
  • Co-Parenting, Divorce
  • Parenting plans, dissolution of marriage, division of assets
  • Youth
  • Restorative practices, Victim-Offender, First Offender mediation, teen mediation
  • Workplace
  • Contractual disputes, employee/supervisor, employee/employee
  • Neighbor-to-Neighbor
  • Boundary-line disputes, animals, shared resources, noise, trees, views
  • Landlord-Tenant
  • Leases / Agreements, repairs, animals, shared resources, noise. Click here for more information about the Washington Eviction Resolution Pilot Program (ERPP)
  • Agricultural
  • Pesticides, loans, conservation plans, grazing permits, USDA agency adverse determinations

Fees and Sliding Scale

Most mediations are $175/session/party. We require up-front payment, prior to the mediation session. Most sessions are about 2 hours long. Each party is invoiced separately. Some mediations are free, depending upon case type.

You are welcome to apply for reduced or waived mediation fees based on income; if you are interested in reduced fees, please let us know, and provide some sort of verification of income (paystubs, W-2, bank statement, etc.) for our records. No one will be turned away due to their inability to pay.

Sliding Scale

Per session/per party

$29,999 or less, $70 per session

$30,000-$59,999, $100 per session

$60,000+, $175 per session

Rates are subsidized by grants and donations and do not reflect the true market value of services. 

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