Gnome Hunt

Those rascally gnomes have again invaded Port Deptford! They cleverly hide in our shops and guild yards during the daytime, but at night they come out and play mischievous tricks on us. We must find these gnomes, so we can stop the mayhem!

You can help us find them by picking up a list of likely Gnome locations at one of the Guest Services booths. Then, when you find them, have the shop owners make a mark on your list.

When you have found enough gnomes, turn in your list to earn a frameable certificate that declares that you are a Gnome Hunter Extraordinaire. This certificate entitles you to a Special Edition Collectible Pewter Gnome Pin from Fellowship Foundry at a deep discount, which is awarded only to successful Gnome Hunters. There is a different pin each season. Start collecting them now!

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