Introducing Pelican Buck, our exclusive discount program designed to bring you incredible value and savings at Pelican's Snowballs. With Pelican Buck, you have the opportunity to purchase 25 Pelican Bucks, each valued at $1.00, for a discounted price of $20.
As a proud member of our Pelican Buck program, you'll enjoy the flexibility to redeem your Pelican Bucks at any of our locations. Indulge in your favorite SnoBalls, explore new flavors, and treat yourself to our delightful creations while maximizing your savings.
Please note that when redeeming Pelican Bucks, no change will be given back. However, rest assured that the full value of your Pelican Bucks will be utilized towards your purchase, allowing you to make the most of your discount.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to join our Pelican Buck program and unlock a world of delicious savings. Whether you're a frequent visitor or planning a special occasion, Pelican Buck is your ticket to indulgence without breaking the bank.
Visit any Pelican's Snowballs location to inquire about the Pelican Buck program and start saving today. Treat yourself, share with friends and family, and experience the joy of flavorful savings with Pelican Buck.
If you are interested in this item and have some questions, feel free send an inquiry.
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