Become A Member

Join the CapEd Credit Union Community - Where Membership Makes a Difference

Becoming a member of CapEd Credit Union isn't just about banking; it's about making an impact. By joining us, you're not only saving money compared to traditional banks, but you're also supporting Idaho education through programs and initiatives that benefit both students and teachers.

Empower Idaho Education:

Passionate about education? By banking with CapEd, you contribute to a community that shares your commitment to helping educators teach and students learn. Your membership helps fund Idaho education, making a positive difference in the lives of countless individuals.

Embrace the Credit Union Difference:

CapEd Credit Union operates as a cooperative, which means our members are also our owners. This unique structure leads to a range of benefits:

  • Not-for-Profit Approach: Our surplus earnings are channeled back to you, our members. This translates to lower interest rates on loans, higher savings rates, and fewer fees.
  • Community Commitment: We are deeply dedicated to our local community, demonstrated through grants, sponsorships, donations, and active volunteering.
  • Member-Owned Decisions: Your voice matters. With a volunteer board of directors elected by fellow member-owners, our focus is on decisions that prioritize your best interests.
  • Wide Access: Our credit union network means you can utilize shared branches and over 30,000 surcharge-free ATMs across the nation through the credit union CO-OP network.
  • Financial Education: We're here to help you navigate various financial topics, from budgeting and lending to retirement planning. Explore CapEd's Online Learning Center to enhance your financial knowledge today.

Experience the CapEd Difference:

At CapEd Credit Union, we're more than just a financial institution – we're a community united by a shared purpose. Join us in making a lasting impact on education and your financial well-being. Your membership, your community, your future.

CapEd is a proud part of

South Central Idaho Hispanic Chamber

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